
CoinWorld Podcast on Civil War Tokens

From December 2023 - Listen to Tim Webb discuss Civil War Tokens with the staff of CoinWorld.
Click here and scroll down to episode 227

CWTS at the

2023 ANA World's Fair of Money in Pittsburgh

Photos Needed for SC4

Updated January 16, 2024
If you have photos or the token that we can borrow to photograph, please contact John Ostendorf
?MA970C-1h rev second variety (see scan from Larry D.)
29476NY630SboHorace Day rubber token
29478NY630SbrHorace Day rubber token
29634NY630ADaoGoodyear Rubber Co. (rubber)
29636NY630ADarGoodyear Rubber Co. (rubber)
30650NY630CH-2rNV not pictured in Fuld. Does it even exist?
30710NY630CI-2rNV Fuld didn't have one (R9)
31380OH074A-2rhave no record of sales of this variety. Fuld did not have it either for SC1 or SC2; but must have known about it from some source.
32154OH165Ya-2oM. Cohn
10665OH-165DZ-4F No record of sales. Fuld had one pictured, but I can't find in box of negatives.
34370OH165FUF. Snyder. No sales records. Fuld didn't have it either for SC1/2.
34412OH165FYaoSuire, Eckstein & Co rubber token
34414OH165FYarSuire, Eckstein & Co rubber token
40346PA750Ld-1oF.C. Key & Sons
40347PA750Ld-1rF.C. Key & Sons rev: Warner
48070WI960A-3oNo sales records. Fuld didn't have it either for SC1/2.
60000WV100A-1o 5cLorena Furnace
60030WV100A-7o $5F Lorena Furnace
60060WV100B-5o $1Snow Hill
1063AStock dieListed by Fuld, but he didn't have a picture either. Used only on NY630L-11a (fka M-5a)
1254AStock dieNV
1427DStock dieblank reverse - Stanton, 19mm w/denticles
1427GStock dieblank reverse - , Lanphear raised rim, no denticles

Photos Need Improvement

24660MI065A-3oI don't even have a sales record
26240MI370B-1oCourlander & Pressgood, Grand Rapids
27770MI845ASaginaw City - Binder
31640OH160DChillicothe - Keim
32050OH165SBruggeman, Cincy
33370OH165CZ-2Lanphear 25c
35500OH230CR9. Only sale I have seen was worse condition.
36670OH880B-1oTroy - Harter
43030TN180A-3obvno sales records

"NV" Rarity Varieties

NV (non-verified) tokens are listed in the 3rd edition of the store card book but may not exist. They may be removed from the upcoming 4th edition. If you have one of these tokens or solid evidence that one exists, please contact John Ostendorf
Updated January 17, 2024
CT-035-A-1bEdward W. Atwood20110/1002 PL 19mm
CT-035-A-2bEdward W. Atwood20110/1237 PL 19mm
CT-035-A-2jEdward W. Atwood20110/1237 PL 19mm
CT-560-A-2bNew York Store20130/20150 PL 19mm
IL-045-A-2bGeorge B. Ames20240/20240 PL 20mm
IL-065-A-3aS.P. Sedgwick & Co20250/1241 PL 19mm
IL-150-P-1aFredrick N. Dubois20430/30722 PL TBDmm
IL-150-AG-1aS.A. Ingram 20670/1007 PL 19mm
IL-150-AIa-1aKlare & Friedrich's Billiard Hall50010/1205 PL 19mm
IL-220-A-1dJ.M. Daggett & Co. Bates House32270/1046 RE 19mm
IL-520-A-2aCharles H. Taylor21135/1205 PL 19mm
IL-690-B-6dArthur C. Connely21200/1341 RE 19mm
IL-755-A-3aAndrew J. Davis21260/1106 PL 19mm
IN-175-B-3aHarley & Linville21640/1302 PL 19mm
IN-260-C-2aC.T. Greene & Co.21820/1161 PL 19mm
IN-290-E-3aWilliam H. Brooks Jr.21920/1226 PL 19mm
IN-290-E-6aWilliam H. Brooks Jr.21920/1350 PL 19mm
IN-370-A-6aE. & L. Small22120/1069 RE 19mm
IN-430-D-3aJesse Davies22170/1323 PL 19mm
IN-460-F-1aJoseph B. Grout City Shoe Store22310/1028 RE 19mm
IN-500-U-3aD.S. Welch22780/1181 PL 19mm
IN-500-U-3bD.S. Welch22780/1181 PL 19mm
IN-530-C-3aJas. Lewis & Co.22850/1116 PL 19mm
IN-530-D-1aJacob M. Neuburger22860/1357 PL 19mm
IN-550-G-1bJoseph Pearce22960/1169 PL 19mm
IN-620-A-4aWilliam W. Cotteral23160/0 RE 19mm
IN-630-A-9aHenry D. Higgins23200/1329 PL 19mm
IN-630-B-1bB. Holcomb23230/1049 PL 19mm
IN-630-B-2bB. Holcomb23230/23200 PL 19mm
IN-690-A-3aMartin L. Powell23270/1299 PL 19mm
IN-740-B-8aJ.S. Queeby23310/40965 PL 19mm
IN-770-D-1dTansey & Ballard23430/1019 RE 19mm
IN-800-B-1aG.P. Emswiler & Co.23480/1023 RE 19mm
IN-860-G-2aGeorge Wyman23590/1098 PL 19mm
IN-860-G-6aGeorge Wyman23590/0 PL 19mm
IN-870-A-1aPrice Brothers23600/1030 PL 19mm
IN-940-A-2bGordon & Thurston23640/0 RE 19mm
IN-950-A-4aD. Carlile23670/1400 PL 19mm
IN-950-C-1bD.R. Pottenger & Co.23690/1316 PL 19mm
IN-970-A-2iJ.G. Williams & Co.23700/1047 RE 19mm
KY-510-J-1fHugh Preissler24000/24010 PL 17mm
KY-510-Ma-1bS.B. Tempest99320/99330 RE 18mm
KY-640-B-7dNewport & Covington Bridge Co.24090/1400 PL 19mm
MA-115-Cc-2kHess & Speidel24248/1131A PL 27mm
MA-115-E-1bJoseph H. Merriam24280/1284 PL 19mm
MA-115-E-1dJoseph H. Merriam24280/1284 PL 19mm
MA-115-E-1iJoseph H. Merriam24280/1284 PL 19mm
MA-115-E-3aJoseph H. Merriam24275/1131A PL 27mm
MA-115-Ea-1bPulmonales24300/1371 PL 19mm
MA-200-A-1bDunn & Co.'s Oyster House24210/1413 PL 19mm
MA-200-A-4bDunn & Co.'s Oyster House24230/1415 PL 19mm
MI-085-B-3bWilliam B. Cobb24680/1047 RE 19mm
MI-225-CS-3aHenry Wolff25950/1024 RE 19mm
MI-250-C-5aA.M. Dickson & Co.25980/1046 PL 19mm
MI-280-C-1a1Stephen T. Leggett26040/1211 RE 19mm
MI-370-C-2fpFoster & Metcalf26280/26270 PL 19mm
MI-370-H-3aJohn W. Pierce26350/1360 PL 19mm
MI-580-A-1aWilliam R. Blaisdell27390/1105 PL 19mm
MI-920-D-3aCharles S. Patterson27901/1316 PL 19mm
MN-720-A-5aF.W. Andrews27940/1284 PL 19mm
NJ-555-A-1bJ.L. Agens & Co.28160/1000 PL 19mm
NY-095-D-4dThomas Ivory28700/1214 PL 19mm
NY-095-D-4eThomas Ivory28700/1214 PL 19mm
NY-630-V-8aCharles Doscher29520/1254A PL 19mm
NY-630-AMa-1aH. & M. Kayser29780/1190 PL 22mm
NY-630-AMa-1zH. & M. Kayser29780/1190 PL 22mm
NY-630-AMa-2aH. & M. Kayser29780/1189 PL 22mm
NY-630-AMa-2zH. & M. Kayser29780/1189 PL 22mm
NY-630-AP-6eHoration M. Lane29830/1216 PL 19mm
NY-630-BE-6dGeorge Parsons30160/1218 PL 19mm
NY-630-BI-1bFrederick Rollwagen, Jr.30220/30230 PL 19mm
NY-630-BQ-3bPhilip J. Seiter30360/1219 PL 19mm
NY-630-BV-30aStory & Southworth30470/1330 PL 19mm
NY-630-BY-2aC. Tollner & Hammacher30510/1258 PL 19mm
NY-630-CD-1dWashington Restaurant30570/1265 PL 20mm
NY-630-CD-2aWashington Restaurant30570/1006 PL 20mm
NY-630-CH-2aThomas White30630/30650 PL 19mm
NY-630-CI-2aWillard & Jackson's Oyster House30690/30710 PL 19mm
NY-695-A-1eMorgan L. Marshall30770/30780 PL 29mm
NY-890-E-14bRobinson & Ballou0/0 PL 19mm
OH-060-C-1aRichardson & Bro.31280/1178 PL 19mm
OH-060-C-2aRichardson & Bro.31280/1180 PL 19mm
OH-074-A-10aDavid E. Stearns31360/1203 PL 19mm
OH-160-B-4aJohn F. Bier & Bro.31620/1178 PL 19mm
OH-165-N-2zDr Derobigne M. Bennett Dr. Bennett's Medicines31900/1176 PL 19mm
OH-165-AK-3bRobert Downing32310/1069 PL 19mm
OH-165-BB-1aLouis Geilfus32580/1247 PL 19mm
OH-165-BZ-3aJ.A. Hughes1430/1473 PL 19mm
OH-165-BZ-3fJ.A. Hughes1430/1473 PL 19mm
OH-165-CY-109aWilliam K. Lanphear33350/1122 PL 19mm
OH-165-CY-41aWilliam K. Lanphear1434/1311 PL 19mm
OH-165-CY-41bWilliam K. Lanphear1434/1311 PL 19mm
OH-165-CY-71aWilliam K. Lanphear1436/1303 PL 19mm
OH-165-CY-91aWilliam K. Lanphear1436/1311 PL 19mm
OH-165-CY-91bWilliam K. Lanphear1436/1311 PL 19mm
OH-165-CY-92aWilliam K. Lanphear1436/1247 PL 19mm
OH-165-CY-92bWilliam K. Lanphear1436/1247 PL 19mm
OH-165-DD-1a/bLeavitt & Bevis33420/1009 TBD TBDmm
OH-165-DW-4bMorgan & Ferry33645/1047 RE 19mm
OH-165-EB-5aHenry Niebuhr33760/1416 PL 19mm
OH-165-GX-8aJoseph Zanone34680/1274 PL 19mm
OH-190-A-3jIcenhour & Co.35330/1313 RE 19mm
OH-200-B-2fHeintz & Henkle35380/1125 TBD TBDmm
OH-230-B-3dJost Durst35490/1042 RE 19mm
OH-290-A-3aW.B. Eager1473/1168 PL 19mm
OH-765-A-4aButler Witter & Co.36210/1124 PL 19mm
OH-830-D-6aLudlow & Bushnell36410/1046 RE 19mm
OH-975-F-2aSamuel Geitgey31510/31510 PL 19mm
OH-975-F-5dSamuel Geitgey31510/1309 PL 19mm
OH-975-G-1fJohn Leis (Leies)39060/1346 PL 19mm
PA-750-H-1dChestnut & Walnut Passenger R.R. Co.40280/1148 PL 19mm
PA-765-P-10aJohn W. Pittock Pittock's News Depot40890/1324 PL 19mm
PA-765-P-11aJohn W. Pittock Pittock's News Depot40900/1124 PL 19mm
PA-765-P-12aJohn W. Pittock Pittock's News Depot40900/1180 PL 19mm
PA-765-P-26aJohn W. Pittock Pittock's News Depot40940/1034 PL 19mm
RI-220-A-1bTheodore Pohle Elmwood Vinyard42110/42120 PL 22mm
RI-220-A-1zTheodore Pohle Elmwood Vinyard42110/42120 PL 22mm
RI-220-A-2aTheodore Pohle Elmwood Vinyard42110/42122 PL 22mm
RI-700-D-3dHenry Dobson42055/1429 PL 19mm
RI-700-D-3eHenry Dobson42055/1429 PL 19mm
RI-700-E-4zFrank L. Gay42060/24380 PL 19mm
RI-700-G-4fCharles F. Phillips42095/42100 PL 19mm
TN-690-C-3dD.L. Lapsley & Co.43160/1267 RE 19mm
WI-045-A-3aPeck & Orvis45010/1244 PL 19mm
WI-045-A-4aPeck & Orvis45010/1245 PL 19mm
WI-045-A-6aPeck & Orvis45010/1275 PL 19mm
WI-045-A-7aPeck & Orvis45010/30560 PL 19mm
WI-055-A-2aFrederick Krueger45030/1220 PL 19mm
WI-120-D-2aWilliams Brothers45100/1108 PL 19mm
WI-185-A-4aC.W. Smith45130/1242 PL 19mm
WI-185-A-5aC.W. Smith45130/1272 PL 19mm
WI-300-A-1a(fp)E.S. Barrows45430/45440 PL 19mm
WI-300-D-2aE. Connell & Co.45490/1106 PL 19mm
WI-300-G-2aH.L. Smith45505/1111 PL 19mm
WI-310-F-3dWaldo & Brandon45562/45562 PL 19mm
WI-410-G-6aMadison Brewery J. Rodermund45810/1390 PL 19mm
WI-435-A-2aIsaac Livingston45910/1194 PL 19mm
WI-460-A-3jEdward Wirth45940/1220 PL 19mm
WI-510-J-1aAnthony H. Filner46110/46120 PL 19mm
WI-510-K-1aJoseph Fischbein46130/46140 PL 19mm
WI-510-K-2aJoseph Fischbein46130/46150 PL 19mm
WI-510-O-2bCharles E. Graff46210/1194 PL 19mm
WI-510-O-2dCharles E. Graff46210/1194 PL 19mm
WI-510-O-2eCharles E. Graff46210/1194 PL 19mm
WI-510-R-5aCh. Hermann & Co.46280/1272 PL 19mm
WI-510-U-2aAlbert Kleinsteiber46310/0 PL 19mm
WI-510-V-1eCharles Kleinsteuber46340/46345 PL 24mm
WI-510-V-1fCharles Kleinsteuber46340/46345 PL 24mm
WI-510-AA-5aA. Miller & Co.46410/1272 PL 19mm
WI-510-AB-2aFriederich Miller Plank Road Brewery46420/0 PL 19mm
WI-510-AH-1bJacob Scheidhauer46540/1194 PL 19mm
WI-510-AK-2bC.T. Stamm & Son46580/1194 PL 19mm
WI-510-AN-2dFriedrich Thiele46610/1220 PL 19mm
WI-510-AP-5aHenry Upmeyer46650/1156 PL 19mm
WI-510-AP-5a1Henry Upmeyer46650/1156 RE 19mm
WI-510-AQ-1bHermann Voigt46660/46670 PL 19mm
WI-510-AQ-1dHermann Voigt46660/46670 PL 19mm
WI-620-L-2aS.B. & J.A. Paige47550/1087 PL 19mm
WI-620-M-2aH. Rans47560/1084 PL 19mm
WI-620-P-1aWilliam L. Williams47600/1123 PL 19mm
WI-620-P-2bWilliam L. Williams47600/1127 PL 19mm
WI-700-B-3bJ. Clough47640/1108 PL 19mm
WI-700-F-1bErhardt & Raps (Ehrhard)47690/1220 PL 19mm
WI-915-A-1aP.H. Carpeles & Co.47860/1168 PL 19mm
WI-920-H-4dCharles Goeldner47970/1341 PL 19mm
WI-920-J-1bDaniel Kusel47990/1194 PL 19mm
WI-920-L-2aTheodore Racek48020/1356 PL 19mm
LU--E-3bContinental Hotel99070/1042 RE 19mm
LU--O-1bS. & N.99290/1102 PL 19mm

U.S. Civil War Store Cards 3rd Edition Errors and Omissions

Currently under review by the 4th Edition Comittee

Updated January 3, 2024
3contributorsRuss Sears (not Russell); Thomas Casper, Raymond Callan, Jeff Ambio, John Esterly, Brian Koller, Bill Groom, John Mutch, Edward Shafer, Tim Webb. This page will need to be rewritten, SC4 committee, contributors, etc.
10n ironchange -23n to -20n.
11last paragraph - torepresent should be two words.
12"classes of tokens"Class D is broad enough to bring in all sorts of pre-Civil War tokens. Fix or delist this NC stuff. Do we even need this discussion of "classes" of tokens?
25die sinker/engraversinsert text about Kleinsteuber - SC4 word file
35die photosremove 1023A (this is actually 1031) ----- SH: "Actually to me this is what we used to call 1039A that is the most common reverse on the Atlas Michigan token what we used to call MI045A-5a which is no longer listed I have been calling R7 but likely more available when published."
36die photosreplace 1031 photo with the one that was 1023A. In my SCB3 photos file as the "true 1031"
38die photos emailed Bill 12/18/23add 1086A - see emails from Bill Luitje & Scott Blinkensderfer 3/15/19. Bill expressed doubt about a month later. Pics of "IN460S-2a" with that reverse d/n demonstrate a different reverse. Looks identical to -1a. Looks to me like this purported 1086 or 1086A is just a worn example of 1084.
41die photosadd 1150B which is paired with PA-750E in brass
41die photosQDB reports 1138 is actually two different dies. New one would be 1138A. I have pic of "1138A" and email from QDB Mar 8, 2018. I don't see a difference. Thinner ribbon? Maybe someone can help.
46die photosreplace current photo with the one now named 1238. Wayne Stafford says wrong pic. SC3's pic is Pat 234 and slightly different. Have correct photo now dated 1/2/16.
46die photosremove 1250B. Not in use by any CWT.
49die photosremove 1289 (this is now die 32035)
54die photosadd 1398A, new 25 reverse used with LU-Town Branch Store
61die photos1019, 1020, and 1021 should read 13th star, not 12th
62die photosp.62 - Higgins - (1049-1050A). Remove the 1051 line.
62die photos-emailed Bill 12/18/23add 1086A? - see emails from Bill Luitje & Scott Blinkensderfer 3/15/19. To me the way to ID is no LUTZ (higher grade tokens) and Liberty's eye toward 10th star on 1084 and between 10 & 11th stars on 1086A, but is it just a worn die?
64die hintssee SC4 word file.
65die hintsremove 1250B. Not in use by any CWT.
70Renner's Listremove reference to 1023A ----- See comments above. I believe Steve Tanenbaum had what he called OH830C-9b with what he called a 1023A reverse. It was in a slab so perhaps NGC can supply a photo, they graded VF35. I saw it but don't recall any specifics but I valued at $300 retail so I must have thought it was something of value.
70-85Renner's ListLU references use a numeric convention that was abandoned. Fix all. Fixes will be in SC4 word file. Probably wait until all adds/deletes/moves are identified.
70-85Renner's ListThis will all need updating due to new varieties. Added die 1086A (IN460S-2a). Removed dies -1023A, 1250B, 1289. Added 1398A.
79Die 1188Only use is IL150R. There are some stray die numbers in there.
84die 1419remove OH-165BZ
87AL-425A-12dnew variety -1018 reverse, CN, reeded edge, R10.
88CT-035A-2jobverse s/b 20110
89CT-250A-1fpthese are nickel plated per conversation with Ernie 6/9/17 and later verified by NGC.
90CT-345aA-1aoflipover double strike. New variety. Hayden 47
90CT-345aA-7aoCity of New York/Bode 29450/29200 over an 1849 Large Cent.
92D.C.Place a blue box: District of Columbia - see Hard Rubber token section.
93Idahoremove this section and place the ID token in the possible CWT section and leave behind a marker?
96IL-095AName in all caps in header needs to be fixed.
98IL-150G-4aR10-reverse 1108. Pl edge. Reported by QDB 4/18/18.
100IL-150MaR10. PL. Call obv/rev: 20407/0. See SC4 word file for write-up
108IL-150AS-2achange obverse to 20830.
109IL-150AXchange header to Henry from "N. Henry". John Mutch caught that the address is N. Wells 3/16/20.
110IL-150BBneed a die explosion for the two pictures 20880/20890. 20890 has a comma after Siehler.
112IL-215A-2dR10 unlisted composition. Plain edge.
112IL-220A-1dchange rarity to NV
112IL-220A-2dR10 unlisted composition. reeded edge.
114IL-320Ea couple of varieties are listed as 320A. Correct to E.
114IL-320E-1ao4R9 over WI-510AD-1a - reported by Larry D. and also by Bill Luitje; also one sold on eBay 3/22, ex: Tanenbaum
118IL-690A-5dreverse should be 1047
120IL-692Apics for 10130 & 10140 should be reversed. Have pics in SC3 folder as these numbers with notes.
121IL-692A-2mcall this -2e. Remove reference to full broackage. Hayden sold one Dec 2019
121IL-692A-2nremove reference to being full brockage. Change rarity to NV.
120IL-692A-7fonew variety R10 PL (over a Chile 1846 1 real) (have pics)
120IL-692A-12obv: 34070
120IL-692A-13obv: 34070 for all metals
120IL-692A-16dnew variety. R10? At least R9. Reeded edge?
120IL-692A-20eChange rarity to R9.
120IL-692A-20nR10. PL. 10110/10110 inc
120IL-692A-21a10140/34050, reeded edge. Ex: Bowers, Hayden 48 (1869 obv -true 10140). 10140 is terminal die state. Change rarity to R9.
120IL-692A-21d10140/34050, reeded edge. Ex: Bowers, Hayden 48 (1869 obv -true 10140). 10140 is much earlier die state than copper version.
120IL-692A-23nkill. Same as -2m.
120IL-692A-24d10140/1047 R-10. (1069 die - terminal die state). 1047 early die state. When was this struck and what does this say about 1047 die state V examples???
120IL-692A-25a34070/1037. R10 Reeded edge. Hayden 48 (incorr slabbed as -18a)
120IL-692A-26a34050/28850. R10 PE. Unlisted muling with AM Johnston, Buffalo. Pics from Tim Webb 10/22.
120IL-692need to scrub this entire section after completion to make sure this is right. YR is a pain in the rear, especially with all the new varieties.
121IL-755Aall varieties should be plain edge
122IL-762A-2dReeded edge R10 21300/1047
123IL-775BHeader should just have druggist. That's why it is listed separately from the banker.
123IL-775Bmove the note about the mispelling in the comments on 755B to 755A and change wording from B-2a to A-2a.
123IL-795A-3achange rarity rating to R9
124IL-890B-221 mm. Only the -2 varieties. The -1b is 19mm.
126IN-005A-1aostruck over IN-780B-1a
130IN-140A-7aPL edge.
135IN-200Amove former LU-I info here. Crawfordsville, IN. Change narrative (see SC4 Word file). Add box for Crawfordsville like we have for other cities.
136IN-260C-2ararity change to NV.
137IN-280C & DRemove language that this is a new listing for the third edition.
137IN-280D-1echange header to "Mertens & Krueger"
146IN-460B-4dR10. rev: 1047 reeded edge. Stacks sale of QDB inv Oct 2020.
150IN-460Ndie currently labeled as 22380 should be labeled 22410
152IN-460S-2aAdd. Rev 1086A. R-8?. Let's make sure this truly is a new variety.
153IN-460V-3-3 varieties should have reverse die 1436
157IN-500H-1a/bDelete listing. Examined by NGC and again by QDB and identified as -1b.
159IN-500P-1doR10. plain edge, over CN cent. Hayden 48.
160IN-510Ckill the part in the narrative about the first initial being incorrect.
166IN-570E narrativereference to -1a and -2b should be to -1a and -2a
168IN-580Bphoto labeled 23100 should be labeled 23120
170IN-630A-12b1Reeded edge R10. Reported by QDB 2/27/18.
170IN-630A-14bobv should be 23210
170IN-630Bphotos of dies 23230 and 23240 should be reversed (23240 currently labeled as 232340)
170IN-630B-1brarity change to NV
172IN-710A-2aoremove listing. Erroneous listing per Steve Hayden, Auction #46 Lot 248, April 2018
172IN-715A-2bShould be -1b.
172IN-740B-6aoR10 flip over double strike. Sold by Hayden 7/22
172IN-740B-7areverse should be 40962 (not 23320)
173IN-740Cdie label should be 23340
173IN-760B-2aobverse die should be 23360 (not 23350)
174IN-770C-4dobverse die should be 23420 (not 23410)
175IN-800AChange narrative - see SC4 word file.
177IN-860B-1iR9. Plain edge, reported by QDB 11/30/18.
179IN-870A-5aChange to R9. Confirmed to exist by Bill Luitje email 1/18/21.
180IN-900A-1bshould be -1bo
180IN-930A-3bNew listing with 1391A reverse, reeded edge. QDB sale May 2019. Actually don't have to do anything - NC section.
182IA-150A-3a23720/1205. Change rarity to R-9
185KY-150BaCrittenden Shades (propr: D.W. Egleston). Found in the 1866 Covington CD and listed as a saloon in the business directory. No CDs for Covington 62-65. Move all listings of OH165AF here and change occupation to saloon. Rewrite of the intro in SC4 word file.
185KY-150BaCrittenden Shades. Change diameter from 25 to 19.
186KY-480A-3bShould be 19mm not 22mm.
186KY-480B-1dR10, reeded edge
188KY-510Gamove LU-J listings to here from page 611 and remove from LU section. T. Johnston
188KY-510Iheader should read H.B. Opfeld
188KY-510J-1fchange NV to R10.
190KY-510O-1fochange edge to PL (confirmed by QDB 10/4/17)
191KY 640B-7aR10. PL. UNL composition. Heritage 8/21.
191KY 640C-6aR10. PL. UNL composition. Stacks 4/23.
191KY 640C-8aR10. PL. UNL composition. Heritage 4/21.
194-203MD-060see SC4 Word file for new intro.
retaining only MD-060E, J, W, Y, AK. Removing all other listings. May need to add a few initial tokens.
198MD-060Oremove the header "fka as IL150Wa"
198MD-060T-1bR9 or even R8. See notes below - SC4 committee needs to decide what to do with all of these MD counterstamps.
198MD-060T-1bpicture is labeled 70110. Should be 70155.
199MD-060Wa-1bS. N/ 5 (unlisted in SC3 - have pics)- will need to update preface to MD060 to address this token that uses 1001
201MD-060AGa?F.C.S. (lot 20422 Stacks Mar 2020) Rev 1352A.
201MD-060AHa?P. SCH (unlisted in SC3 - have pics)-will also need to update preface to MD060. This token reverse is 1296A.
202MD-060AJinsert a short narrative
202MD-060AKSome changes needed on write-up. QDB found the Shakespeare Club in an 1866 newspaper announcement.
203MD-060AQpicture/die 70420 is wrong (if we even list these)
206MA-115D-2aR9. Have sales records for 2 distinct examples.
209MA-260A-3f24380/42060 (reverse is obverse of RI-700E), Reported by QDB 4/18/18.
210MA-530A24mm instead of 23.
211MA-760B-1eprobably should be called -1m (tin). NGC has begun slabbing as such in 2017. Musante's book says tin, not white metal. Will need to add a note.
211MA-760B-1(fp)?Have pics of what might be a silver plated copper example. Need to send through NGC or something. Not in Musante's book and that is suspicious.
213MI-005Apicture label s/b 24435
214MI-005Bpicture label s/b 24440
217MI-040B-3jshould be listed after -3do, out of order
217MI-040CComments-don't need to mention the "I". Remove sentence.
218MI-045A-5a1039A? We don't even have that stock die. In my sales database, but no notes in SC3 discussions that I can find. Email from Dave Reineri 2/27/17-explains that 1039A was probably 1023A (now 1031) which is 45A-2a. No need to do anything.
220MI-085B-3bchange rarity rating to NV
223MI-190A-4a24820/24820. Remove language about full brockage. (Hayden auction 44 Dec 16). This be the actual -3a? Could both -2a and -3a be struck and not incuse? Hayden remarks that he has not seen -2a or -3a.
224MI-225A-10dR10, 1046 reverse. Reeded edge. 24587/1046. Steve Hayden sold on eBay 10/25/20. Mislabeled in a PCGS slab as -1d, ex: Bowers.
225MI-225E-4iR9 reeded edge. missing
227MI-225L-2a1R10 plain edge. Hayden 47 from Tanenbaum collection.
231MI-225T-4dR9. Temple example and Bowers example (ex: Curtis)
232MI-225X-1a1R10 plain edge. Hayden 47 from Tanenbaum collection.
236MI-225AGa-Oliver Goldsmith (fka LU-G) move all listings from LU-G to here and delete from LU section.
238MI-225AO-5dcorrect obv die to 25340
239MI-225AQ-1a1R9 per Bill Luitje email 8/11/20.
241MI-225AY-1a1R9 (at least two examples known)
241MI-225AZlistings are messed up. -2a s/b 1a1, then 2a-2i = 1042, 3a & 3d = 1047
241MI-225AZ-1a1R10 currently -2a and should be PL edge
243MI-225BE-1a1R9 plain edge new variety confirmed by Bill Luitje
244MI-225BI-3b1R9 plain edge new variety sold by Steve Hayden 11/21 eBay
244MI-225BJAll obverse dies and die label should be 25560 (not 25550)
247MI-225BR-3aedge s/b 'R'
251MI-225CG-1dreverse should be 1018. Verified by Bill Luitje upon examination of a Heritage lot; see email 8/31/17.
253MI-225CJaEben s/b Eber
256MI-225CS-1dR10 CN reeded edge. Stacks sale 10/20 QDB inv where it was incorrectly slabbed as -3d.
256MI-225CS-3aDelete listing. Email from Steve Hayden. Listing came from belief this was in the Temple collection. It wasn't.
258MI-280D-1a1R10 plain edge. Hayden 47 from Tanenbaum collection.
259MI-300C-1b/aR10 PL But do we list these b/a or a/b tokens?
260MI-300Dpicture label s/b 26130
260MI-300EChange box to Aaron Mest. (see CWTSJ V50N3). Add sentence to intro: Mest's name is misspelled on the token.
261MI-360C-1fchange rarity from NV to R9. A NGC slabbed example on ebay 3/17. Seen 2.
265MI-370L-4aUnlisted variety. New obverse 26725. Have pic. Reverse is 1211. R9 PL. Need a "die explosion". From Hayden#42 Aug 2015 sold as L-3a, reported by Brian Koller 8/15. Compare "C" in MICH. Other differences, but this is easiest to distinguish.
265MI-450Aunlisted obverse (have pic) -- call it 26745. Per the pics at SH's website - the -1a and -1b are 26745/1185 and -2b is 26740/1187. Need a die explosion. New obv has a comma after Hillsdal.
267MI-450Fheader: Jaob should be Jacob
268MI-450Lchange intro. See SC4 word file
269MI-450O change intro. See SC4 word file
274MI-527C-1bAdd this listing: 27180/1185. R-9 PL. Verified by NGC, ebay listing pointed out by Bill Luitje. He is of the opinion that -3b may not exist. Have pic of -1b and that is right.
279MI-580B-2dR10 PL. 1105 Temple collection
287MI-865A-4aR9+. See discussion involving QDB, Steve Hayden, Bill Luitje, et al late March/early April 2019. New obv & rev: 27826 & 27827? Is this truly a new variety or a fake?
287MI-865A-5apurported new variety. Have pics 3/20.
294MO-910ARemove reference to Darwin Peck. That's the previous token that got repeated.
294MO-910A-2bR10 unlisted composition PL edge
294MO-910A-2ireduce rarity rating from R9 to R8
294MO-910A-5dR10 unlisted composition, Reeded edge
294MO-910A-8dR10 unlisted. 1069 rev Reeded edge
294MO-910Bheader has MN. Cahnge to MO.
294MO-910B-8aR10 obv 28040; rev:1046A Reeded edge
295MO-910C-1eR10 unlisted composition, plain edge, Heritage June 2016, Hayden Dec 2016.
299NJ-555C-1aoR9 flipover doublestrike (sold by Hayden 11/21)
299NJ-555C-7dR10 unlisted composition, plain edge.
300NJ-885A-2a should be -1b.
302NY-010A-3aoR10. plain edge, flipover dbl strike, PCGS55, ex:Bowers
302NY-010A-6aoR10. plain edge, struck over NY630P. Stacks sale 10/20 of QDB inv.
304NY-010F-1a1(struck on an oval planchet) R10 PL. QDB email 3/20/19. PCGS slabbed as -4a, if anything, it should be -2a or -1a1 since it is the same dies.
305NY-010-G-3aUnlisted new obverse: 28445, same reverse as others. R5 PL. Pic dated 7/6/18 on computer.
305NY-010H-3bR10, unlisted composition, plain edge
305NY-010H-7bR10, unlisted composition, plain edge
306NY-010H-9aoR9. Note underneath: (obverse over NY-890B partial brockage)
306NY-010H-16aUnlisted variety - 28540/28575. R-9 PL. email from Steve Hayden 5/6/20.
307NY-077-4aR10 - PL, obv: 28610/1108 QDB 8/2/19
308NY-095D-1jreverse is 1006 (not 2006)
309NY-095F-6anew obverse die. 28722 rev 1269 PL. Need a "die explosion" pic for the two dies. Watch the alignment of the "LLs" in WILLIAMS v. the preceding 'I". Probably need a note that some varieties using the 28720 obverse die are actually this new die. -5a is known with both obverses. Have not seen the new obverse paired with anything other than 1269 to date, but...
320NY-630G-2bR-9, 27mm
321NY-630HaGeorge Lovett, not Robert Lovett in narrative
321NY-630HbGeorge Lovett, not Robert Lovett in narrative
322NY-630-Kchange all 23mm to 24mm, except the -9 varieties
323NY-630K-919mm, not 23mm (only the -9 varieties with 1133 as reverse)
324NY630L-4eR7, not R5
324NY-630L-7doR-9 PL (struck over 1863 C-N cent). Stacks 10/20 of QDB inv.
325NY-630Lpics of dies 29310 & 29315 need to be reversed (and the die explosion)
325NY-630L-11change rarity rating to NV
325NY-630L-14doR-9 PL. Struck over U.S. C-N cent.
325NY-630L-19aobv should be 29320
325NY-630L-20b29315/1065 plain edge. R9. Reported by Steve Hayden 12/13/17. On eBay 11/21.
325NY-630L-21b29310/0 plain edge. R9. Reported by Steve Hayden 10/28/21. On eBay 11/21.
328NY-630T-1boimprove language to: (struck over DeWitt 1860-59).
332NY-630AC-1bR9 PL. New variety.
333NY-630AE-1nR10 PL. Reported by Bill Luitje 2/5/18. Metallurgical analysis - 81% iron, tin 16%., Hayden sale 12/22.
334NY-630AG-7dR8 PL. missing
334NY-630AG-8dR9 PL. missing
335NY-630AIa-1aR10 PL. Hayden sold one Mar 2022. Have pics
335NY-630AIa-1bR10 PL. Hayden 47
336NY-630AL-9aR9 PL 29760/1217. New variety. Email from Tim Webb 8/18/23.
337NY-630AN-1aoR10 PL (struck over unknown token), Stacks Nov 2020. Confirmed by NGC to be copper but doesn't look like it.
337NY-630AN-2ao1flipover double strike. New variety.
338NY-630AP-1aoR9 flipover double strike
338NY-630AP-1doR9 struck over 1863 cent reported by QDB 9/24/19
339NY-630AQ-4foChange struck over silver coin from Ecuador to- struck over 1821-BS 2 reales from Caracas, Venezuela. Reported by Mark Borckardt 9/15/20.
345NY-630BC-1aochange rarity to R-9. Also change description to struck over offset printing plate.
345NY-630BC-1b1Change rarity to NV
348NY-630BG-4bochange to struck over 1137. PCGS63, ex: Bowers, slabbed as -4b.
348NY-630BG-6gR10 PL. QDB reported 5/25/19.
349NY-630BI-2bR10 PL. TC-557445 on TokenCatalog. Submitted by Steve Hayden.
349NY-630BJChange 23mm to 24.
349NY-630BJ-1fo1R10 PL (struck over 1858 Canadian 20 cent). Stacks 10/20 and Hayden 49 12/22.
349NY-630BK-1boR10 PL. (struck over 2 drachm apothecary weight). Stacks Sep 2013 where it was called -5bo. Where have I seen this undertype? Have pics.
350NY-630BM-1aoR9 PL. (flipover double strike)
352NY-630BS-1fR-10 PL. new composition reported by Mark B. Heritage 6/16
353NY-630BU-3aoR9. flipover double strike
354NY-630BV-17 & 18Change obverse from 30460 to 30470 for all compositions.
354NY-630BV-17Change reverse from 1006 to 1000 for all compositions.
355NY-630BV-32Kill this. Once the above 2 changes are made, the variety in SC3 is superflous.
355NY-630BV-33a34060/0. R10 PL. Ex: Fuld. In my sales file.
355NY-630BX-1aR9 PL. Unlisted in copper. Hayden sold one 2/21 on eBay.
356NY-630BZ-1fo1R10 PL. (struck over a British West Indies 1/8 dollar)
356NY-630BZ-3jR9 PL. Missing
357NY-630CA-1fo3R10 PL (struck over 1770 Mexico one real). Partrick sale Heritage lot 45998 5/21.
359NY-630CF-2gR-5 PL. second obverse. Need a die explosion. T in relationship to the O in store .email from Ed Shafer 8/20/20-
359NY-630CFa-1zR10 PL. Seen 6/20 in PCGS holder as -1i. Clearly zinc. Sold in Nov 2020 Stacks sale.
363NY-780A-1aoR10 PL (c/s over Patritoic 337/350). New find Aug 15. Have pics. Bought by John Wilson at ANA from ST's first partner. Will need to tweak the intro - the Wilsons' piece may have been c/s in 1863 or so. Although 337 & 350 are undated; they are usually paired with 1863 dated patriotic dies (and business strikes).
364NY-845Atown should be "Seneca Falls"
366NY-890Bdie 30900G is a later die state than 30900F. Correct the -12b and -38b listings from 30900G to 30900F, remove the picture of 30900G. Note in SC4 Word file to be added at p.368.
366NY-890Bdie 30900K pic - replace with one in SC3 pic file named 30900K per Bill. Bill reported wrong pic. Saved the correct one to scb3 photos file 2/29/16
366NY-890Bdie 30900L pic - replace with one in SC3 pic file named 30900L per Bill.
366NY-890B-36b (full brockage)change die to 30910A/30910A inc
366NY-890B-37bchange reverse to "incuse of Patriotic die 307" (and ditch the blank circle on page 368)
366NY-890B-40bchange die to 30900B/30900B inc
366NY-890B-42b (full brockage)30900J/30900J inc
366NY-890B-43b (full brockage)30910C/30910C inc
367die 30910Hreplace current photo with photo named NY890B-9 rev replacement photo 30910H
371NY-905B-2aoenhance description - 1820 large cent
371NY-905B-2ao1R10. Flipover double strike. Stacks sale of QDB inv. 10/20.
373NY-990A-1achange to reeded edge
377OH-060Cheader: change 31300 to 31290.
377OH-060D-6bshould be "a"
377OH-065-B-3zBill Luitje reported 5/24/18 that this is really lead., so change -3z to -3g and list above -3j.
379OH-074A-1aoR9. Not sure if this is even an overstrike. Have pics. Ex: Tanenbaum and sold by Steve Hayden 10/22. I don't see an understrike.
379OH-074A-19aR10 PL. 31410/36410 (reverse is obverse of OH-830D)
380OH-100Bblue box: OH-165CY-110 & 113
382OH-120B-3aR9 R. reported by Larry D.
384OH-160B-2dR10 PL.
386OH-160G-7fR10 PL. Hayden website sold 5/20.
387OH-165B-1areverse should be 1386
388OH-165E-8aR10. obv: 31785 1192 reverse, PL. Have pic for inclusion in SC4. New obv die with SALOON misspelled (actually the first obv that was corrected for all other varieties)
389OH-165Ia-1bchange rarity to R-9
391OH-165L-10bR10 PL, obv: 31881 rev: 31881 inc (full brockage). Saw one slabbed as -8b by NGC (MS64)
393OH-165R-7dR10, plain edge. Reported by QDB 10/14/19.
393OH-165R-10dchange reverse to 1047. Stacks sale 10/20.
394OH-165R-28dobv:32030/rev:1047 R10 ? For edge. Hayden sale #36, ex:Fuld
394OH-165R-29d32040/1069 R10 reeded edge.
395OH-165W-9amuled with 165GS, not GA
397OH-165Z-10bshould be-10d and should be die 1069.
398OH-165AFmoved to Covington, KY
399OH-165AH-3now have a picture of 32285 in SC3 photos folder. Need a better die explosion and alter the wording of the note.
399OH-165AH-3b1change to PL edge, 17mm (Hayden 50)
399OH-165AH-11aobverse is 32280, not 33280
400OH-165AK-3bchange rarity to NV. Highly unlikely 1069 in brass.
400OH-165AL-1a1R10 to R9
401OH-165AMcsee SC4 word file for clean up of intro
406OH-165BEa-1bshould be -1bo
407OH-165BJ-22areverse 1019 R6 PL missing
408OH-165BN-1aoR9. flipover dbl strike
409OH-165BO-6aR9. ? for edge. Rev: 1008. Need to confirm existing "1009"s truly are that. -1a might be 1008 and no actual 1009. See email from Bill Luitje 12/19/16 and others. A copper version of 1008 definitely exists (have pics in an email). 1009 exists - Stacks Nov 2020
410OH-165BS-4dR9. Second example reported by SH 11/6/20
411OH-165BV-15a1Should be PL edge.
411OH-165BV-17a1Should be PL edge.
411OH-165BV-20aIncorrect die combination listed in the book; should be dies 32850/1437
412OH-165BZ-4arev should be 1418, not 1419, sold in Stacks sale 11/21
415OH-165CJ-11aobv: should be 33080, not 33090
417OH-165CR-7dchange rarity to R-9
421OH-165CY-71bchange rarity rating from NV to R-9
421OH-165CY-80dR10. PE. Reported by QDB 11/27/18.
422OH-165CY-108dreverse s/b 1331
423OH-165DBpicture is of die 33390 but says 33340
423OH-165DD-1a/b (?)not currently listed, R10, Steve Hayden sold one June, 2013- need to verify. Owned by Mark Gatcha - can we examine the rim? Ernie think just a bad alloy mix.
423OH-165DD-1b1edge s/b 'R'
423OH-165DD-12anew die 33435/1009. PL edge. (Die 33435-spacing between H of Hosiery and G of gloves most obvious). This die may have been used on others currently called 33430. The -9 varieties appear to all be the 33430 die. The -7a1 seem to be both. Need a die explosion.
423OH-165DD-12a1new die 33435/1009. R edge.
426OH-165DMaNew merchant: R10, rev: 1374A, pl edge, 19mm. Call the obverse die 33555. See SC4 word file for write-up.
428OH-165DT-6achange rarity to R-9
430OH-16DX-2bnew variety, counterstamped 45, blank reverse, hole. Reported by David Zimmerman. Have pics. See emails late Oct from QDB. This has a different obv & rev. Possibly the circulation strike.
430OH-16DXphoto should be labeled 33660
430OH-165DYReplace last line of narrative with verbiage at SC4 word file
430OH-165DY-13bThis variety is probably post war - Murdock was a sole proprietor at 139 W. 5th c.1870-74. Remove this listing and the 22015 and 33710 die photos as well.
430OH-165DZnarrative - change last sentence - see SC4 word file
431OH-165EB-8aR9 PL. (reverse is incuse federal Indian cent). Ex: Bowers, Hayden 47
432OH-165ED-2achange to PL edge
437OH-165EV-6bchange rarity to R-9
437OH-165EW-2achange edge to PL
442OH-165FR-1dchange to reeded edge
443OH-165FV-1aR9. Currently listed as R8, but I know of only one and same for SLT. See email from QDB 10/15/19.
444OH-165FX-11iR9 Reeded edge. New variety.
445OH-165FXa-5bR9. pl edge. New variety
447OH-165GBchange photo label from 34430 to 34440
447OH-165GC-3bR9 PL. Stacks Naples Bay collection lot 3108 11/20.
448OH-165GH-9d listing says FX instead of GH
449OH-165GI-10aR9 PL. Also change both -10 varieties to reverse 1426. unlisted in copper. B&M 11/99 Lot 3229.
449OH-165GI-12aR9 OL. 34510/1420. new variety reported by Steve Hayden email 7/20/17.
451OH-165GR-1aoR9. Have seen two examples.
452OH-165GS-29aR7 PL 34630/1029. Photo from Tim Webb 10/22
453OH-165GX-1achange edge to PL
454OH-165GY-32e18mm, R-9 per Hayden 47
455OH-175C-13a75/525 should be 73/525 (R4)
455OH-175C-16 and -7 appear to be redundant listings - remove and leave a note that -16 varieties are actually -7
455OH-175C-17 and -10 appear to be redundant listings - remove and leave note that -17 variety is actually -10
455OH-175C-18aReverse die should be 40040, not 40030. Should say reverse instead of obverse.
455OH-175C-19dobv is 35030
459OH-175Ointro paragraph - remove second to last sentence stating that OH-175O-4r in aluminum is a post-war strike.
459OH-175O-4rchange to plain edge
460OH-175S-15aNew Unlisted die combination of 35300/1172. R10, PL
461OH-185A-6a1R9 reeded edge. missing
462OH-200B-2fR10 PL. Presidential sale #56 6/94 and again in Bowers & Merena 11/95. Hayden 50
465OH-230B-2a1reverse s/b 1023
465OH-230B-7a1R9 PL. Reported by QDB 2/25/18.
466OH-270Amerchant surname should be spelled "Farnham" in the merchant header
467OH-300ARemove listing. Leave behind a blue box. Boger & Kimmel - moved to NC section as OH-OH-Aa. Mark B.'s research shows business commenced 7/14/1865. CWTS article
472OH-360A-1achange rarity to R8
473OH-360B-5aR9. Hayden 47 mentioned a second example.
476OH-420A-1achange edge to PL
476OH-420A-1dR10 PL. new composition. Reported by Steve H. 9/3/20
477OH-445A-3aRev: 1086A. I don't know where this came from. Probably QDB.- email tp Bill Luitje 12/18/23
478OH-562 becomes OH 495Amove OH-562 George Haines; butcher to here and recatalog as OH-495A Madison Township. All 562 become 495. See SC4 word file for new intro.
478OH-505A-2achange from R edge to PL
478OH-505B-5bR8 PL missing
479OH-530Aphoto label s/b 35670
479OH-535A-4aRev: 1086A. I don't know where this came from. Probably QDB.- email tp Bill Luitje 12/18/23
479OH-535A-11aR9 PL. 35710/1085. Pics from Tim Webb 10/22. Steve and Tim agreed that it is 35710 and the period after OHIO just weakly struck or die polished.
480OH-535B-4aR9 PL. 35475/1169
482OH-555A-4a1R9 PL, new variety reported by Dave Bowers.
482OH-557A-5dR10. Reeded edge. Tanenbaum collection.
483OH-562George Haines; butcher. Move to Madison Township as OH-495A
485OH-620A-13aR10 PL. Rev: 1427D. reported by Larry D.
487OH-670Acorrect the header to Timmins
490OH-735Bphoto label s/b 36160
491OH-745A-1dR9. QDB reported another 10/24/17. Remove note about ANS collection.
491OH-745A-2b(fp)Change from NV to R-9. One in an NCS holder (ex: Bleviss) sold 4/18.
497OH-830Cpicture of die should be labeled 36400
497OH-830C-9brev: 1023A. R10, reeded edge. Reported by Steve Hayden 10/30/17. This is actually rev 1031 (variety -2b), so we are good to go. No change needed.
497OH-830D-6aChange rarity from NV to R-9. Susan reported one with a reeded edge 2/24/18. Purchased from Cade years ago.
506OH-910aA-2ashould be 39130/39130 inc
507OH-915B-1achange reverse to 1179
507OH-915B-2achange reverse to 1178 and rarity rating to NV.
507OH-925A-1dR10 reeded edge missing
510OH-975A-1boR10 PL (flip over double strike). Tim Webb pics 6/23. 21mm - for all Beach tokens.
511OH-975C-5achange rarity to R-9. At least three known.
512OH-975GChange header to Grocer from Saloon
514OH-975Ochange Made by John Stanton to Lanphear shop, Cincinnati.
518PA-013C-1areverse die s/b 1028
518PA-013C-7aR9 Pl edge. Rev: 1192
521PA-360A-1docorrect from -1d to -1do
523PA-750AReplace intro with that at SC4 word file.
524PA-750E-2change all metals from 1150 to 1150B. Hayden sold one Dec 2016.
525PA-750F-2ashould be 750F-1d
526PA-750Laremove Hagan's. To be listed in possible CWT section under PA. p.640.
529PA-750P-2areverse is 40410 inc
529PA-750P-4jreverse is 40420 inc
530PA-750T-1dR10 reeded edge. new variety reported by Steve Hayden, QDB collection; email 10/16/17.
531PA-750V-1a(fp)R9 PL. Stacks sale Nov 2019, Lot 20417. Donated in 1897.
531PA-750V-7aR10. Reeded edge. ex: Bowers, Hayden 47.
532PA-750W-2achange from NV to R-9. NGC has attributed one as copper; see email 6/19/17 from John Esterly
532PA-765Bphoto label s/b 40720
533PA-765E-7aR9. reeded edge, new variety.
539PA-967Aheader should read 'Greenville' with two Ls
542RI-700D-13a42055/42025. R10 PL. per QDB 2/22/18. Also Hayden website $450 Apr 2014.
545RI-700I-2aR10. PL. 42132/42140.
546TN-130A-3dR9 (one known outside ANS collection; sold in Stacks 6/17). Remove note about ANS collection.
548TN-600A-8iR10 PL edge.
548TN-600A-10b1change rarity rating to R9 per QDB 5/16/18. Remove note about ANS collection.
548TN-600A-14aR10 PL. reverse: 1419. Incorr slabbed by PCGS as -2a. Bill sent link 4/14/19.
548TN-600B-1bR10 PL. reported by Larry Dziubek. 8/10/21.
548TN-600B-2bR10 PL. reported by QDB 9/24/19.
548TN-600B-14aR10 PL. reverse: 1419 source: QDB 9/20/17.
550TN-600C-4bR10 new variety. Stacks sale Apr 2021 ex: Bowers. Reeded edge.
550TN-600G-1b1obv: 43136. R9 PL. Stacks sale July 2020. Have pic at SC3 die photos.
550TN-600G-1b2obv: 43137. R9 PL. Stacks sale July 2020. Have pic at SC3 die photos.
551TN-690D-6bochange OH-165AY to OH-557A
551TN-690D-6jR10. RE. QDB sale Aug 2018.
551TN-690D-9jR10. RE. Reported by QDB 1/15/18.
552TN-690E-8doCorrect attribution should be 690E-8d. Remove comment about struck over CN cent. This is not overstruck, but is rotated double struck.
552TN-690E-9doCorrect attribution should be 690E-9d. This piece is not overstruck.
555WV-100B-2bR10, unlisted composition, reeded edge (source QDB 10/2/17)
555WV-100B-1e through 7eR10. RE in WM. $2 & $5 sent photos by Larry Dziubek 5/10/21. 1881 auction catalog on my computer from QDB.
555WV-100B-8 through 14Change all -8 through 14 from 1046 to 1046A. Stacks 11/20 ex: Bleviss, incorr slabbed as -5d.
556WV-260A-2bR9, reeded edge. unlisted composition. eBay sale 12/15
563WI-220Aphoto is wrong. Have a replacement picture of 220A in SCB3 photos folder.
564WI-220F-3areverse s/b 1168
567WI-250Fall listings have 250E, change to 250F
568note to explain where "250H" is (as in SC2)
572WI-330Bchange merchant header to grocer
575WI-410G-7achange obverse/reverse to: 45815/45800
577WI-420A-1dochange rarity to NV. The slabbed example was not struck over anything. Stacks Nov 2020.
581WI-510Ilistings have 510A, change all to 510I
582WI-510Mheader change to - Goes and Falk
582WI-510Nheader - change spelling to 'Hantzsch' as depicted on token
583WI-510Pheader change from 'business unknown' to butcher
583WI-510Qnarrative-change to Madison, Watertown & Milwaukee (from Milwaukee, Watertown, & Madison)
584WI-510Vname spelling should be Kleinsteuber. Change narrative to language in SC4 word file.
587WI-510AB-7bR9 PL 33mm. Call obv: 46455 and new reverse 46465. obv: slightly different than 46450, reverse: 1/2 GALL. Reported by Bill Luitje 5/26/19. Pics in SC3 photos file. Need a die explosion for the obverse.
589WI-510AKheader should read '& Son", not & Co.
590WI-510AP-3achange description: 46640 inc/1155. obverse is a brockage, rev: 1155 (see Hayden #46, 4/18)
590WI-510AP-6a1R7, not R9.
591WI-530Aheader says IN-530, change to WI
596WI-620Oheader says IN-620, change to WI
597WI-700A-6aR9 PL. 47630/1098. New variety.
597WI-700A-7aR9 PL. 47630/1357. New variety.
599WI-700I-4aR9 PL. Obv 47720 Rev: 1203. Steve Hayden sold one on eBay 11/17.
600WI-720A-1a1R9 PL. new variety
606WI-920L-2bcorrect variety for the hoard in the narrative to -2b (not -1a).
609LU-C99040 & 99050 pictures should be flipped. Consulere is the obverse and is paired with 1046 (C-1a).
609LU-C-2a1R9 PL. Reported by QDB 11/14/18.
610LU-Emove to Paducah, KY?
610LU-E-2dchange edge to PL
610LU-E-3bchange rarity to NV. Highly unlikely 1042 paired with a Lanphear obverse.
610LU-Ea-g(ap)Day's New Card. See SC4 word file for write-up.
611LU-G & J moveMove these to where they belong. And leave behind a blue box. LU-G moved to MI-225AGa and LU-J moved to KY-510Ga.
611LU-Imove to IN-200A Crawsfordsville, IN (new town) and leave behind a blue box.
611LU-I-4bshould be R9 (I know of 2) Now IN-200A-4b.
611LU-Ka-1aProfessor King tokens. See SC4 Word file
612LU-NMay be copper. Review pics. There is a new variety as well. Have a pictures now. Fix the presentation of photos. 99250/99270 should be side by side as well as 99260/99280. I have a pic of 99260 with No. 42 instead of No. 5. New die or not?
612LU-OChange description to Stanton shop, Cincinnati.
612LU-O-1bchange rarity to NV
613LU-RLott should be Lot
613LU-S-6dR10 reeded edge. Reverse 1018. Ex-Tanenbaum, owned by Steve Hayden.
613LU-S-7bR9 reeded edge. obv: 99355, rev: 1398A. new variety - 25c. Reverse to Town Branch Store. Hayden#42 lot 368; obverse is also a different variety. Have pics. This variety is 22mm. Have pics - need to insert into SC4.
615IL-150Haremove listing and change blue box to - IL-150Ha Buck & Rayner see possible Civil War token section.
616MD-060Ua-1h-blaR9. PL. 48200/48210. 23mm. See SC4 word file for write-up.
617MA-115FaHeader should read, "also known as"; not "formerly known as"
617MA-115FbHeader should read, "also known as"; not "formerly known as"
618MA-115HHeader should read, "also known as"; not "formerly known as"
618MA-970C-1hLarry reports a second reverse die in an email 1/31/17. Need pics. Larry reports 7/3/17-in a survey of 8; 3 of 'a' variety and 5 of 'b' variety. I have a pdf of two different scans dated 9/14/21. May need pics. SH has one on his website, but it is same variety as in SC3.
618MO-910aASee SC4 word file. General Eastern Railroad, Schenkman G5 included in an 1863 auction. I show we decided to list this (decision #173). Must have just missed it. Schenkman article confirms 1863 auction listing (Fall 2021).
619NY-010Da-1h-blaR9 new variety in black. Heritage 6/16
620NY-630Kachange how the dies photos are arranged so that obv and rev are left and right instead of top and bottom. 29282/28286 left/right. 29284/29288 (have pics).
620NY-630Kadie 29288 is the same as die 30387 (Shiffer obv). Can copy picture to where needed on page 620 and change the die # at Shiffer.
621NY-630AGaadd Samuel Hart & Co. rubber token. See SC4 word file for write-up.
621NY-630BIapics 32044, 32045, 32046, & 32047 s/b rectangular, not square - have improvement pics for 1st two, can the other two be stretched?
622NY-630BQapics 30384 & 30385 s/b rectangular, not square - have improvement pics
622NY-630BQa-2hchange rarity rating to R9
623NY-630BQb-1hChange die 30387 to die 29288 (Broadway Rubber reverse). Same die. Use whichever pic is superior and label as such.
623NY-630CK-1h-broR9. Unlisted in brown and also unl in Schenkman. Have photos 3/10/15
624NY-890D-2hblaSecond obv die - 30965 in SC3 photos file. Need to do a die "explosion" to show difference. Spacing between T and S of FIRST ST. Photos from Tim Webb 6/23. R8?
624NY-890D-2hbroSecond obv die - 30965 in SC3 photos file. Need to do a die "explosion" to show difference. Spacing between T and S of FIRST ST. Photos from Tim Webb 10/22. R8?
625OH-200GaSmith & Conrad, Columbus, OH rubber token. Consider inclusion. See Schenkman's article Vol 54 #3, Fall 2020.
625PA-750H-2hR6. per Larry Dziubek
626PA-765Qa-2hR9. per Larry Dziubek
628NC-LU-BEureka tokens, omitted by accident. Add some sort of narrative (have something in the SC4 word file) and change index from LU-C to LU-B
629NC-OH-AaBoger & Kimmel. Findlay. See write up in SC4 word file.
629NC-OH-Badd the words "the war" to the end of the sentence at NC-OH-B
629NC-OH-Esee SC4 word file for better write-up
632NC-WI-Baadd a listing for the 1867 dated Charles Kleinsteuber pieces. 1867 WM (like die 46340). Have a narrative in the SC4 word file.
633+see SC4 word file for additions to the possible CWT section
637Remove Colburn listing. Should have been in the main listing.
638DayRemove Day (Fuld Patriotic #476) listing. Now in the LU section.
639see SC4 Word filePossible CWT - Pennypacker & Sibley (Miller Pa 390 & 391)- probably Van Wert, OH per SH auction #40 c.1863-70.
640Possible CWT sectionPA-750La Hagan's - see write-up in SC4 Word file
640Charles K. Warnerattribution should be "Ph" not "Oh"
641Possible CWT sectionremove Perrin from Wisconsin and "Wisconsin"- was not listed in Janesville in the 1865/6 WI gazetteer
646add Great Eastern - see SC4 word file
647add William P. Mullen, prison agent dated 1862, Phil. Page 350 Rulau 4th. Miller 616A. See SC4 word file.
649indexcan we list all merchants including DNL,NC and possible CWT section??? About 120 possible CWTs and 80 DNLs.
653Eureka is NC-LU-B
661MD-060-AL Stevensremove reference. Does not exist in main text.